Operation Comet
After several previous failed attempts, the crew is tasked with a mission to observe, research, and analyze long-period comets that have entered our solar system. Astronauts in both Mission Control and Spacecraft conduct experiments to studycomets to help scientists better understand how they are formed and how they could potentially impact Earth. During the mission, however, a shocking discovery is made, and the crew must brainstorm together to solve the emergency, ensuring the safety of the crew and the success of the mission.
- Targeted grades for Operation Comet:
Grades 4 & 5
- Number of groups served per day: 2
- Price: $700
- Length of Field Trip Day: 3.5 - 4 hours (depending on transportation needs)
Operation Comet Teacher Resources
Explore Operation Comet!
Teacher Training
Teacher training is available to any teacher who plans to attend the Challenger Learning Center with their students. If you have not attended the Challenger before, we strongly encourage this training. Please plan to schedule a session at least two weeks prior to your field trip date(s). The session will include an overview of the Challenger program and what to expect during your time with us. Training is included in your registration fee.
To schedule a virtual or in person meeting, please email challenger@wcusd200.org or call